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Become a Site For Year 13

The entire Working for Worcester team is so excited to welcome our sponsors, volunteers, and sites back for another AMAZING Build Day! We will be accepting Request For Projects ("RFP's") starting August 13th. They will remain open until Tuesday, October 15, 2024.


Build Day is April 2025

To apply to be a site on Build Day you must abide by one of two requirements, 1) A K-12 Worcester Public School 2) Qualified 501(c) Organization. 

RFP Timeline:


Community members, schools, and non-profits are encouraged to submit their ideas for projects that can make a positive difference in Worcester

August to September '24

Project Consultations

To dive deeper into the proposals we receive, our team will sit down with project proponents to discuss the feasibility, potential impact, and scalability of their ideas.

September to November '24

New This Year 


Our team visits each potential project site to assess the practicality and suitability of the proposal. Factors such as the site's accessibility, environmental impact, and long-term sustainability

September to November '24

Grant Decisions

We carefully select the projects that align most closely with our mission and vision for the community.After a thorough evaluation and internal discussions, we make funding decisions for each approved project

December 1st, 2024

Working for Worcester's Build Day requires months of planning, purchasing, and coordinating therefore we are often unable to accommodate last minute requests.


Request for Project Applications:

Worcester Public Schools

If you are applying on behalf of or for a Worcester Public School, please use this application. Based on feedback, we have created a significantly more streamlined application for Worcester Public Schools and their affiliates.  

Qualified Organizations

If you are a qualified 501(c) organization, please use this application to apply! We are segmenting applications to better assist applicants and ensuring all questions meet the specifications of the organization applying. 

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